The collective power and wisdom of a united community willing to step up for.
The odd things I've ran in to while playing this game are just incredible. from Ponce City Market, through Armour Yards and up to Lindbergh Station. Her bot got in a fight with someone and laid there in pieces and she just stood in the middle of the road by herself and wouldn't talk to me or move so I just left her. Suddenly her name came up in front of my face with an 'X' as if she was standing in front of me, but when I hit 'X' on my controller nothing happened, so I went back looking for her. I traded with her and went on my way and when I got quite a ways away I heard a bunch of explosions and my screen flashed white. I did run in to a little girl out in the middle of nowhere named Kat (IIRC?) who is a travelling trader. opportunity to round a corner and drop the phone into a trash can before picking up her speed. I couldn't steal the suit from their garage without being caught so I just had to steal all the pieces of the frame when nobody was looking. Maybe it depends on what setting you are playing? lol i did that to some wanderer in pimped out power armor it had flames for it's paint job (my power armor now lol) Sounds like an Atom Cat, found Duke wandering around.
I've seen Carla get in to skirmishes with 4 gunners and lived. I've actually seen pack brahmin running wildly while on fire while that travelling doctor (forget his name) was on fire and getting attacked by 5 mutants and he never died. I've seen some of them get in some horrific battles.